My Work

Check out some of my projects..

Front End React Applications

Project One

Book Sales

A front-end application that uses React and Redux. Users can fill up their shopping carts with books and proceed to a checkout page.

Project Github
Project One


A React front-end application which presents a list of pokemon and a graph of each respective pokemon's abilities upon clicking.

Project Github

Full Stack Web Applications

Project Two

Tab Tracker

A Vue.js, Express.js full stack web application where a user can create song objects where lyrics are mapped to their respective guitar tabs.

Project Github
Project Three

Old Car Sales

A React, Redux full stack web application where a user can create an account, post cars for sale and browse for possible cars to buy.

Project Github
Project Three

Hotel Management

A React, Express-GraphQL full stack web application where users can make and hotel employees can manage hotel reservations.

Project Github
Project Three

Team Up App

A React, Flask, GraphQL full stack web application where teachers can create manage groups within their classes and students can join such groups.

Project Github

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Project Two

Connect 4

This project includes a c++ implementation of the connect 4 game and an implementation which uses the minimax algorithm, alongside alpha beta prunning, to constantly beat the game.

Project Github
Project Three

Subreddit Classifier

A study which uses three transfer learning models (ULMFit, ELMO and BERT) to predict which subreddit a reddit selfpost belongs to. Accuracies of predictions were as high 85%.

Project Github